“I consider the forum an incredible resource that enables me to receive continuing education in a very compact timeframe. Because of the information, training and networking I received through MTF, I am a more competent and confident worker.”
-Felicia Levister, Health Benefits Coordinators, Lowell Community Health Center
“It’s extremely worthwhile to send my staff to MTF meetings. They bring back to the organization not only important MassHealth updates and policy changes that help all the financial counselors with eligibility, enrollment and billing, but also great ideas from other MTF participants on methods for working with the uninsured and helping them be more receptive to the application process.”
MTF Accessibility Statement: All MTF presentations posted below are in pdf accessibility format. If you require a different format, please complete the request formand note your accessibility concern, the format in which you prefer to receive the material, and the webpage address of the requested material and email the form to MTF@umassmed.edu.
MassHealth & Health Safety Net Updates – Presented by MassHealth & Health Safety Net
MassHealth Updates will provide the latest updates and information related to MassHealth applicants and members. This quarter will include updates to MassHealth’s redetermination and renewal, MassHealth health plans, and more.
Health Safety Net (HSN) will cover topics including resweeps completed, DRG Inpatient rate pricing at zero, special circumstance application information and other updates to billing claims that are not processed correctly.
Medicare in 2025 - Presented by SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone)
SHINE will present new information on Medicare in 2025. This presentation will review new regulations due to the Inflation Reduction Act, important things to consider when choosing a plan(s), and the importance of reviewing your options during the Medicare Open Enrollment.
MassHealth and Disability transcription - To be posted soon
MassHealth Training Forum Provider Updates - Presented by MassHealth Provider Relations and Business Services and Supports (BSS)
The Provider Services Training Series offers essential information and updates for MassHealth providers. The upcoming Fall 2024 session, hosted by the MassHealth Provider Relations Business Services and Supports (BSS) team, will feature information on plan and provider changes coming January 2025, along with updates from the Office of Long-Term Services and Supports (OLTSS). Additional topics of discussion will be subordinate user maintenance, transportation, dental plan updates, provider revalidation automation tools, and additional self-service tools for providers that are in development.